Municipality of Sant Feliu de Llobregat

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19/05/2024 19:23:49



Home of the City Council of Sant Feliu de Llobregat

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Change of municipal government to activate Sant Feliu

Readings: 654
Change of municipal government to activate Sant Feliu

From Tots Som Sant Feliu we want to thank all the people who, through their trust, have allowed us to obtain two councilors in the City Council in the last municipal elections of May 28.

With the aim of making a better city and bringing dignity and quality of life to people, we proposed to the citizens to activate a change in the municipal government in order to activate Sant Feliu.

The citizens' response to the polls has been to withdraw support for the political groups that made up the previous government team and to maintain or increase confidence in the political forces that proposed an alternative for change to give new impetus to the municipal government action. This public trust has been met with the agreement of the Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya, Tots Som Sant Feliu and Neighbors for Sant Feliu to form a new government in the City Council that will place the city of Sant Feliu and its people as priority In this way, Sant Feliu de Llobregat will have a municipalist government based on the interest of the city and the will to understand, with the strength and stability necessary to solve the problems that is there, to face the changes, to take advantage of the opportunities and to develop all their potentialities.

In the coming years, we will experience a great transformation as a city. It will be necessary to weave a well-cohesive Sant Feliu above and below the old train track; that it becomes a living and active city, where young people do not have to leave due to a lack of affordable, safe housing and basic services that work, where every person is important and no one is left behind , a city that is and must serve as the capital of the Baix Llobregat region. In the coming months, the new government team will present and specify our proposal for the next 4 years in a new Mandate Action Plan and a new Mandate Investment Plan.

In this new mandate and as it has always been, our attitude will be constructive, to listen to the citizens, with an outstretched hand with the rest of the council's groups, to act with responsibility, always making sure to bring dignity and quality of life to the people and to make Sant Feliu better.

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