Consistory 2019 - 2023

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Happy austere holidays

Readings: 822
Happy austere holidays

We face the final stretch of 2022 and many people know that this is not just any year. The economic situation of many families has worsened during this year due to the increase in the price of the shopping basket, the increase in interest on our mortgages and the increase in gas and electricity bills.

While many people continue to collect the same salary, they must face more expenses. It is a reality, and from our municipal group we are very aware. All administrations, including the municipal administration, must or should make an effort to contain spending. More can always be done, and so we have taken it to the municipal government on several occasions.

To be able to make proposals in relation to the budget, it would be necessary to process and agree on a new budget, but unfortunately the municipal government has not yet presented its budget proposal for the next year.

From our group we believe that having Sant Feliu de Llobregat operating with a budget extension is a problem, since as we all know the social and economic reality of the municipality is variable and the budget must be adjusted to the needs of the municipality annually.

The most urgent thing is to attend to the people in a situation of vulnerability and, as it cannot be otherwise, the municipal government will always receive our support to guarantee the attention of the people who are doing worse.

We hope that the government will soon bring the budget, we can evaluate it, examine it and make proposals. We believe that Sant Feliu urgently needs the approval of a new budget. We will continue to wait.

We want to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy holiday in the company of your family and loved ones.

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