Consistory 2019 - 2023

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Change of mayor in Sant Feliu de Llobregat

Readings: 1180
Change of mayor in Sant Feliu de Llobregat

As many citizens of Sant Feliu know, last June the mayor's office changed in our city.

From our municipal group, we had the opportunity, in the plenum of taking possession, to express our position in relation to the investiture of the new Mayor.

In relation to the change of mayor, the first thing we want to convey to the public is that we are concerned about having an independent mayor in Sant Feliu. We remember that a few months ago his group voted in favor of including Sant Feliu in the Association of Municipalities for Independence, an association that aims to make people who are not independentists invisible.

We are also concerned about having a Mayor who during the pandemic did not denounce the lack of institutional coordination between the Generalitat in matters of Health at a very important moment in which human lives were at stake. defend the citizens of Sant Feliu when the Generalitat left the Mayors alone taking decisions that did not touch them due to their competences.

As we indicated Mr. Bossa, the new Mayor of Sant Feliu, did not come out to support his colleagues because we remember that the Ministry of Health of the Generalitat depended on ERC, which is his party, and we understand that he put his party's interests before the general interest of all citizens of Sant Feliu with this attitude.

But it is that Mr. Bossa, being Mayor of Sant Feliu, will many times enter into a conflict of interests since in various matters such as health or education, which depend on the Generalitat, he always defends decisions of the Government of the Generalitat that from our point of view are indefensible for a Mayor that must govern for all the citizens of Sant Feliu.

On the other hand, this municipal government has made a considerable increase in the price of the cleaning contract and we continue with the same problems we had at the beginning of the legislature, especially with the collection of bulky items. We do not see good management of the main contracts and we do see a lot of budget increase that is not much less reflected in the service.

It is clear that Sant Feliu is not progressing like neighboring municipalities and this fact worries us.

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