Consistory 2019 - 2023

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19/05/2024 05:45:00



Home of the City Council of Sant Feliu de Llobregat

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The opinion of the municipal groups 2019-2023

Urban Agenda of Sant Feliu

Readings: 1336
Urban Agenda of Sant Feliu

In 2015 the United Nations General Assembly approved the resolution Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. An Agenda containing 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with 169 associated milestones to move towards sustainable development on a global scale. Of these, we must highlight objective number 11 linked to the achievement of an inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable city.

Sant Feliu City Council has always been committed to the objectives of sustainable development and the goals that articulate the 2030 Agenda. For example, both the 2019-2023 Mandate Action Plan and the City Pact resulting from the pandemic have been two public policies perfectly aligned with the ODS.

As a result of this commitment, Sant Feliu is immersed in the process of drawing up the Urban Agenda Action Plan, one of the main policy levers and acceleration engines of sustainable development objective 11, linked to the achievement of an inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable city.

The objective is to articulate a unique, inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable city model, based on the opportunities presented by the undergrounding of the train tracks and other ongoing projects, and the main challenges arising from the climate emergency context , economic crisis and residential emergency, as well as other challenges such as the digital transition and physical, ecological and social connectivity.

This Local Action Plan of the Urban Agenda of Sant Feliu aims to establish the bases that must guide the development of the city and the projects that drive transformation in the time horizon of the next 10 years.

Thus, since March 4, the participatory space on the Participa 311 website has been open, where contributions can be made.

As a result of this transformative ambition, last July Sant Feliu was named a pilot city of the Spanish Urban agenda, which means that the Ministry of Mobility recognizes the Local Action Plan as good practice and transferable experience, and that the city will be able to prove certain leverage measures of the Urban Agenda, which represents a magnificent opportunity.

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