Consistory 2019 - 2023

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You deserve a better Sant Feliu

Readings: 1062
You deserve a better Sant Feliu

You have in your hands the last Bulletin of this mandate. I ask you to read it with caution since the objective of the preceding pages is nothing more than to make up a government action marked by the lack of a project. The extraordinary circumstances we have experienced with the COVID-19 pandemic do not justify the situation in which the city finds itself.

The previous municipal government (ICV-PSC) left a surplus of more than 4 million euros and the current government ends its mandate with a deficit of 5 million.

Is this difference, of 9 million, the result of erratic management as it shows the abuse of contracts, disregarding public procurement rules, or the increase of more than 700,000? annual cost of the garbage collection and road cleaning contract, which has not translated into an improvement of the service. Deficient management that continues in the budget approved for 2023: The Municipal Comptroller has already warned that the government has not accounted for expenses that the law obliges to incorporate, such as the increase in the IPC for public contracts or energy.

During these years, pandemic included, the businesses, companies, citizens and citizens of Sant Feliu have struggled to move forward, despite a government that has not supported them. We need a City Council governed with responsibility and conviction. That's why I commit to leading a change that will bet on this city and its people. First of all, we will deal with the degradation suffered by the city in cleaning and public roads, lighting, security, maintenance of equipment and quality of municipal services. At the same time, we will agree with the citizens on an ambitious project to transform Sant Feliu based on three pillars: guaranteeing the well-being of the population, generating prosperity for all and promoting the city's ecological transition.

This is my commitment, my team and I take on the challenge with enthusiasm, responsibility and capacity for work. That's why I ask the citizens who are proud to be and live in Sant Feliu to join us to recover, among all others, the Sant Feliu you deserve.

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