Consistory 2019 - 2023

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19/05/2024 01:41:36



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The opinion of the municipal groups 2019-2023

Post COVID-19 with social justice

Readings: 1389
Post COVID-19 with social justice

The people of Sant Feliu en Comú Podem in the City Council, in the face of a huge crisis, we responded to the front line from the first minute. We are now working to design a way out of the situation so that we do not pay the usual ones.

We must remember how the crisis of 2008 was dealt with. Two labor reforms and the express reform of Article 135 of the Constitution. Thousands of homeless families and workers in the pit of unemployment and precariousness. A 'Government of the best' brutally cutting public services and a 100% increase in university fees, placing Catalonia in the tail of Spain. All with the support of all the right, here and there, to save banks and not people.

In this pandemic it has become clear who and what is essential for life; health, care, field, transport, trade and many other workers are the ones who maintain the life support network. The real economy is this; the sum of threads, thin and weak separately, that make up the working class and our daily effort to create together this indestructible network of life, in the face of speculation, income extraction, and the economic interests of a minority , which are the suffering and death of most.

We have checked certain dimensions of the climate crisis that we have above; the virus has further punished the most polluted areas, and at the same time we have seen how the air and nature recover when we give them a breather. We need to change the way we produce, consume and move so that we do not go back to the way we used to be. We must move towards a new expanded brotherhood, between human beings and between them and the planet. Life goes on for us.

There is a great distance between the solutions that are being given by the Progressive Government of Spain and those that a hypothetical government with a neoliberal program would have given. A government that puts the economy at the service of the people; extending the moratorium on mortgages, leases; pushing ERTOS to maintain jobs and businesses, with the largest increase in scholarships in the last decade, which must be completed with a large reduction in rates, and approving the historic minimum income

Local governments will need more support and tools to address the cities resulting from this crisis. Obtaining support from other administrations and reaching city consensus are priority goals. From Sant Feliu en Comú Podem we have promoted the City Pact to work for a fair way out of the pandemic and the crisis, because we want a city where that beautiful motto becomes a reality: 'from each one according to his abilities, to each one according to his needs'.

Manuel Leiva
Spokesman for the Sant Feliu en Comú Podem Municipal Group

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