Municipality of Sant Feliu de Llobregat

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Modernism of Sant Feliu know?

Readings: 4161
Modernism of Sant Feliu know?

After placing the majority of panots QR on the points of the Modernist Route , already it is possible to make a modernist route for different points of Sant Feliu de Llobregat . The route wants to disseminate cultural content and of local interest giving to know the Modernist past that We find it in the city. The content was completed by the Doctor Mercè Vidal and Jansà and, with 27 points signaled with QR panots and fixed on the pavement, give the historical information of each one of them.

To web of the City Council of Sant Feliu de Llobregat you can check the points and the corresponding information as well as all the information spot which will be offered to us by reading QR code.

To read a QR code é s need a device with a camera and a reader compatible. All are available with most mobile smartphones for free.

And as for the augmented reality this technology displayed on the screen our device a real image, accompanied by additional information (photos, video, access to information on the Web, speeches ...). Again, in this case, you need to have a mobile connection and GPS installed camera application Layar.

 You can find information about the Modernist Route on the mobile with the QR

From Sant Feliu Innova believe that this city project promotes the link between culture and the use of new technologies as a tool for knowledge, so we suggest you discover these itineraries with the help of this interactive technology.


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